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Since its establishment on 2 May 2006, the Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has adopted a food safety risk analysis framework promulgated by international food safety authorities. With the challenges from globalisation of food supply, the CFS has been working over the past five years to enhance surveillance of both local and imported food, respond proactively to food incidents, and implement a number of initiatives to improve its work in various areas of food safety control. Since October 2010, the CFS has been designated as the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) for Risk Analysis of Chemicals in Food.

To commemorate this landmark development and the fifth anniversary of the establishment, the CFS is hosting a Regional Symposium featuring the theme "From Food Incidents to Crisis Management" on 1-2 June 2011.

The objectives of the Symposium are to provide a platform for experience sharing, updating on food safety issues, fostering partnership and collaboration, and providing an opportunity for communicating with the trade.