
The electronic news (e-news) is regularly providing the most updated food safety information. You are invited to register your email address for receiving the e-news issued by the Centre for Food Safety (CFS), including Food Alerts, Index of CFS periodicals, information of activities, and other contents newly published or updated at the CFS website. If you also provide the optional information on your profession or field of work, we may provide you with additional information as relevant.

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Latest issue of E-News (18/7/2024)

(1) Food Safety Tips for Travellers

With summer approaching, many of you may well be planning to travel abroad. Travelling can be exciting and rewarding, but can also carry potential risks. Contaminated water or food can cause a variety of diseases that range from mild and short-lived symptoms (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea) to longer and more severe diseases (e.g. cholera, hepatitis A). Travellers should remain vigilant when abroad and take the following precautionary measures to prevent food- or water-borne illness.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(2) Imported Food Control

Import requirements for food are imposed for public health reasons. Certain high risk imported food like milk, milk beverages, frozen confections, game, meat, poultry and eggs are governed by subsidiary legislation of the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132). Import of game or eggs requires the prior permission of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department and import of meat, poultry or eggs is confined to sources recognised by the Department. For the release of imported food, importers are required to provide health certificates issued by the issuing entities of exporting countries/places.

Please click into the webpage for details:

(3) 'EAT TV SUPER' Food Safety Channel

The latest episode of EAT TV SUPER on securing food safety during adverse weather and extreme conditions has premiered on the CFS’ YouTube channel, and is co-streamed on the CFS' Facebook and Instagram pages.

Please click into the webpage for details:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsk-REAO9Lo
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/xnJP7BiqtSNdjSUi/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/C89ItatslTj/

(4) CFS and CFSA sign MOU on food safety co-operation

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) and the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on food safety co-operation on June 27, with a view to enhancing the exchange of information on food safety assessment work in Mainland China and the HKSAR, especially the work on food consumption surveys and total diet studies. The MOU was signed by the Controller of the CFS, Dr Christine Wong, and the Deputy Director General of the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment, Mr Wang Yongting.

You are most welcome to read the press release at:

Centre for Food Safety

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