
The electronic news (e-news) is regularly providing the most updated food safety information. You are invited to register your email address for receiving the e-news issued by the Centre for Food Safety (CFS), including Food Alerts, Index of CFS periodicals, information of activities, and other contents newly published or updated at the CFS website. If you also provide the optional information on your profession or field of work, we may provide you with additional information as relevant.

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Latest issue of E-News (6/2/2025)

(1) Food Safety Focus (222nd issue, January 2025)

The latest issue of Food Safety Focus is now available.  The topics include:

Please click into the webpage for details:

(2) Roving Exhibitions on Food Safety in 2025

The CFS has uploaded the Food safety guidelines on “Shared-use Kitchen” for food businesses.

Please click into the webpage to view the guideline:

(3) Seasonal Food Safety Seminar

The CFS is pleased to announce the organization of the "Seasonal Food Safety Seminar," scheduled to take place from April 2025 to January 2026. This initiative is primarily designed to enhance the knowledge of food industry stakeholders regarding essential food safety information and to elucidate effective food safety control methods. The overarching goal is to ensure the safety of food products. All members of the food industry are cordially invited to attend this seminar. 

Please click into the webpage for details:

(4) CFS announces food safety report for December 2024 and summary of food surveillance programme for 2024

The CFS of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department on January 28 released the findings of its food safety report for last month. The results of about 6,700 food samples tested were found to be satisfactory except for eight unsatisfactory samples which were announced earlier. The overall satisfactory rate was 99.9 per cent. 

Please click into the webpage for details:

(5) Centre for Food Safety announces test results of Lunar New Year food (first and second phase)

The CFS of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department announced the test results of a recently completed seasonal food surveillance project on Lunar New Year (LNY) food (first and second phase). 

Please click into the webpage for details:

Centre for Food Safety

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