Warning on Canned Sardines with Bacterial Contamination

Issue Date 13 July 2010
Source of Information European Commission
Food Product Canned Sardines
Product name and Description

Use-by date: December 31, 2014
Consignment/lot no.: AN 155J
Country of origin: Morocco

Some of the affected product had been exported to Hong Kong. A small quantity of the affected batch had been put onto the market. The importer, Lorence & Company, is recalling the affected batch.

Reason for recall Detected high bacterial count in a batch of the products.
Action Taken by the Centre for Food Safety The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) has alerted the trade to stop selling the product and is closely communicating with the European Commission to monitor the situation.
Advice to the Trade Stop selling the affected products.
Advice to Consumers Stop consuming the affected products.
Further Information

Lorence & Company consumer hotline : 2293 9395

The CFS press release

Centre for Food Safety
Food and Environmental Hygiene Department
13 July 2010
