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Food Safety Focus (142nd Issue, May 2018) – Food Incident Highlight

Support the Second Hong Kong Population-based Food Consumption Survey

The Centre for Food Safety (CFS) commenced the Second Hong Kong Population-based Food Consumption Survey on 13 April, which will last for around a year. Its objective is to collect up-to-date food consumption information of Hong Kong people. Collected survey data covering types and amounts of food consumed will then be used to assess  if the public is exposed to any dietary risks from various food hazards.

Invitation letters will be issued in batches within a year to selected households to explain the interview arrangement. Policy 21 Limited is commissioned to collect the survey data by two interviews with each respondent. Survey results will be published only as the overall population food consumption patterns. Personal information will be kept strictly confidential and handled according to the established practice to protect privacy.

Active public participation is essential in ensuring the reliability of the survey results and will help enhance food safety in Hong Kong. The CFS appeals to the selected households to actively respond by calling the Policy 21 office (68975709, 9am-10pm daily) to schedule times for the interviews upon receipt of the invitation letter.