Regarding one suspected food poisoning cluster announced on 10 November , the Centre for Food Safety has conducted a preliminary investigation and has the following recommendations for food premises' reference:

Food poisoning cases The cluster involved eight male s and eight females, aged 28 to 39
Location of alleged food premises Repulse Bay
Suspected incriminated food item

Oysters eaten in raw state

Suspected contributing factors
  • Consumption of raw food.
  • There is no designated refrigerator to store raw oysters. Other raw and cooked foods are stored in the same refrigerator on the top shelf.
  • Raw oysters and other cooked items were displayed on the same buffet table. Although separate tongs were provided, it was still possible to cause cross-contamination by service attendants.
  • Raw or undercooked oysters are high-risk food, as there is no or insufficient heat treatment to kill foodborne pathogens or “superbugs” before eating.
  •  Purchase oysters for raw consumption only from reliable licensed premises. Maintain a purchase log and look out for the condition and expiry date for prepackaged products.
  • It must ensure that staff maintain good personal hygiene and that their utensils, equipment and working area are cleaned and disinfected regularly and as needed.
  • Raw oysters should be stored in a designated refrigerator and handled with separate equipment to avoid cross-contamination with other foods.
  • The oysters from the same batch and source should be put into the same container, and the oysters should be used on a first-in, firstout basis.
  • Raw oysters should be kept at safe temperatures (2oC-4oC), make the handling process as brief as feasible, and shuck oysters only upon request.
  • It is necessary to strengthen the training on food safety,environment and personal hygiene of management personnel and
    food handlers.

Centre for Food Safety