Regarding one suspected food poisoning cluster announced on 13 June , the Centre for Food Safety has conducted a preliminary investigation and has the following recommendations for food premises' reference:

Food poisoning cases The cluster involved five males and six females, aged 14 to 70
Location of alleged food premises Kowloon City
Suspected incriminated food item Steamed crab, steamed oyster
Suspected contributing factors Food contaminated by Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Norovirus
  • Defrost frozen food inside the refrigerator at 0°C-4°C is the preferred method. Defrosting in the refrigerator may take time and need to plan ahead.
  • Defrost using a microwave oven or cold running water are possible options but the food should be cooked immediately after defrosting.
  • The management should provide training to food handlers so that they can fully understand the risk of cross-contamination in handling raw food and observe good personal hygiene (e.g. proper and frequent hand washing) to prevent cross-contamination.
  • Review the food preparation work flow to identify the risk of cross-contamination and design a food safety plan to eliminate the risk.
  • Make sure seafood is cooked thoroughly.

Centre for Food Safety