Regarding a suspected food poisoning cluster announced on 8 June , the Centre for Food Safety has conducted a preliminary investigation and has the following recommendations for food premises' reference:

Food poisoning cases The cluster involved three female, aged 21 to 36
Location of alleged food premises Tsim Sha Tsui
Suspected incriminated food item Tuna fillet
Suspected contributing factors Food contaminated with scombrotoxin (histamine)
  • The trade and the public should buy fish such as tuna and mackerel from reliable sources.
  • If the fish is not cooked immediately, it should be stored at 4°C or below. Prepackaged fish and fish products should be stored according to the manufacturer's instructions on the package.
  • Frozen fish should be thawed in a correct and safe manner (e.g. using a refrigerator compartment, under running tap water and in a microwave oven). Never defrost at room temperature.
  • If the temperature for sous v ide cooking of fish such as tuna and mackerel is too low, bacteria can survive and convert the fish muscle histi dine to histamine. The core temper ature and time combination for sous v ide for these fish not less than 60°C for 45 minutes is recommended.
  • Cooked fish or ready to eat fish products (e.g. tuna sandwiches, opened canned fish) should be eaten as soon as poss ible and not left at room temperature for too long. If not for immediate consumption, place food in a clean, covered container before refrigerating.

Centre for Food Safety