Food Hygiene Seminar 2009

The Centre for Food Safety will organise the Food Hygiene Seminar 2009 on 7 December 2009 at Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre with the theme "5 Keys to Food Safety". We aim to introduce to the public the messages of the 5 Keys to ensure food safety. Besides, there will be an introduction of the Nutrition Labelling Scheme to enhance public understanding on how to use the information on the nutrition labels to make healthier food choices.

5 Keys to Food Safety:

  1. Choose (Choose safe raw materials)
  2. Clean (Keep hands and utensils clean)
  3. Separate (Separate raw and cooked food)
  4. Cook (Cook thoroughly)
  5. Safe Temperature (Keep food at safe temperature)

The seminar is composed of three parts, part 1 is the promotion of 5 Keys to Food Safety and introduction to Nutritional Labelling; part 2 is the video show; and part 3 is the introduction of Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point.

All participants will be awarded a "Certificate of Attendance" and a delicate souvenir.