Audio Information on Nutrition Labelling Scheme

Please click the following hyperlinks to listen to the various audio information (English version):

  1. General information of the Nutrition Labelling Scheme (WAV, 2.07MB)
  2. Nutrition label information and format (WAV, 2.95MB)
  3. Nutrition claims (WAV, 2MB)
  4. Nutrient content claims (WAV, 1.45MB)|
  5. Nutrient comparative claims (WAV, 1.54MB)
  6. Nutrient function claims (WAV, 1.6MB)
  7. Small Volume Exemption Scheme (WAV, 4.08MB)

Members of the trade may call our 24-hour Hotline 2868 0000 to listen to the above audio information and obtain relevant materials by fax. Members of the trade can also opt to be connected to staff of the Centre for Food Safety for enquiry during office hours..