Photo Gallery

(I) Opening Ceremony

Secretary for Food and Health Dr York CHOW, together with other officiating guests, kicks off the opening ceremony of the Food Safety Day 2010. Officiating guests (from left to right): Mr. Terry TING, Ms Connie LAU, Mr. Christopher YU, Dr. Constance CHAN, Mr. CHEUK Wing-hing, Mr. Fred LI, Dr. York CHOW, Mr. Hacken LEE, Mr. WONG Yung-kan, Mr. Philip CHOW, Mr. TAM Koon-che, Professor KWAN Hoi shan, Ms Sylvia LAM.

Secretary for Food and Health Dr York CHOW gives a speech and shares his views on healthy eating at the opening ceremony of the Food Safety Day 2010

(II) Nutrition Labelling Telematch

Secondary students learn more about nutrition labels through taking part in telematches.

(III) Nutrition Label Creative T-shirt Design Competition

A participant is giving final touches on her work.

Secretary Dr York CHOW, together with Mr Hacken LEE, presents prizes to representatives (fourth to sixth right: Champion - St. Stephen's Girls' College; First runner-up - Ng Yuk Secondary School; Second runner-up - TWGHs Mrs Wu York Yu Memorial College) of the winning schools in the Nutrition Label Creative T-shirt Design Competition.

Champion: St. Stephen's Girls' College
First runner-up: Ng Yuk Secondary School
Second runner-up: TWGHs Mrs Wu York Yu Memorial College

(IV) Nutrition Labelling Group Photo Competition

Officiating guests give marks for the Nutrition Label Group Photo Competition
Controller of the Centre for Food Safety Dr Constance CHAN (first right) presents the prize to representatives of SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School, winner in the Nutrition Label Group Photo Competition
Champion and Award of My Favourite Nutrition Label Group Photo: SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School
First runner-up: Wai Kiu College
Second runner-up: SKH Lam Kau Mow Secondary School